Privacy Policy


The purpose of the Compliance Anchor® website is to provide you, the visitor, with information about Compliance Anchor® and its services. It is Compliance Anchor’s® policy to take all reasonable precautions to protect the privacy of its customers and visitors.


  • Compliance Anchor®  does not gather information about visitors to its website.
  • Compliance Anchor® does not use “cookies” of any kind to gather information about website visitors.
  • Compliance Anchor®  does not track the IP address or email address of website visitors. Nor does Compliance Anchor®  track information for those visitors who reach us via the email link on our “Connect With Us” webpage.


Because email is not a secure data transmission method, Compliance Anchor® requests that you do not transmit confidential information via our “Connnect With Us” page nor through regular email channels.


Compliance Anchor® provides hyperlinks to other non-affiliated companies through its website. Use of these hyperlinks is “At Your Own Risk” as further defined in the Disclaimer section of this Privacy Policy Statement.


Use of the hyperlinks provided on the Compliance Anchor® website is “At Your Own Risk.” Compliance Anchor®, its Board of Directors, Officers, and Employees have not expressed any implied or direct warranty or guaranty for the linked website or company. As when visiting any website or area on the Internet, Compliance Anchor® urges you to read the Privacy Policies of the hyperlinked websites and companies.

Privacy Policy Visit ACBB.COM

Compliance Anchor® is a Fictitious Name used by Atlantic Community Bankers Bank.
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225 Grandview Avenue
Camp Hill, PA 17011

(717) 441-4501