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Upcoming Webinars

Members and nonmembers are invited to register for all of our upcoming webinars.

June 21, 2023  |  10:00 am

Section 1071 – Introduction to The New Rule


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Section 1071 is setting a precedent in so many ways:  a fair lending regulation amendment, a business loan compliance mandate, regulatory piggy-backing on HMDA compliance accuracy, potential CRA compliance implications, on-going data submission or monitoring of the threshold, and more.  It goes without saying that it will be critical that this is understood by every lending institution, that there is ample training, and that steps are in place and documented reflecting the requirements applicable to each institution.  The time to begin this process is NOW!

This first in a series of (at least) three Section 1071 Webinars will reference the Final Rule, the Small Entity Compliance Guide, the Small Business lending data points chart, and the Small Business lending rule key dates chart and will focus on:

  • Implications of Amending the ECOA and the Purpose of requiring this Data Collection.
  • Mandating submission of certain business loan data:  what this means to ALL Lenders.
  • How ALL Financial Institutions are affected.
  • Which lenders must comply with 1071?
  • Counting loan originations:  what type of loans are covered, who is the borrower, when were the loans originated.
  • What loans are exempt?
  • What are the dates that require action?

CE CREDITS: Approved for 1.75 CRCM
* This webinar has been approved for CRCM CE credits. ABA Professional Certifications is dedicated to promoting the highest standards of performance and ethics within the financial services industry. This statement is not an endorsement of this program or its sponsor. Certification holders must report these credits at aba.csod.com.


Jennifer Cliber Smith has been in Banking Compliance for more than 30 years. Having worked in financial institutions of all sizes both as a staff member and as a consultant, she has a comprehensive knowledge of the industry. Jennifer has spoken at many events across the country including the Mid-Atlantic Regulatory Conference. She is a contributor and proofreader for the ABA CRCM Exam Manual and has worked as an instructor at the Mid Atlantic Bank Compliance Conference. As a lifelong learner, Jennifer’s commitment to education is clear, as she frequently attends webinars, seminars, and conferences to further her knowledge.

MODERATOR: Gary Iorfido and Jim Nemecek, Compliance Anchor Directors

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Compliance Officers, Risk Managers, Commercial Loan Officers, Mortgage Loan Operations, Loan Processors, internal audit staff, managers of all departments that originate business
and commercial loans, fair lending officers, and others with responsibilities for preparing, delivering or
auditing loan disclosures.

PAYMENT: Free to CA members, $225 to non-members

Upcoming Webinars


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