Upcoming Webinars
Members and nonmembers are invited to register for all of our upcoming webinars.
Upcoming Webinars
Members and nonmembers are invited to register for all of our upcoming webinars.

November 14, 2024 | 2:00 pm
Fair Lending: Program Contents, ROV and AVM Updates
Reconsiderations of Value:
- The Final Interagency Guidance
- Fannie Mae FAQs
- Sample ROV Disclosure
- Sample ROV Policy verbiage
- Sample ROV Procedures
- Other ROV sample forms/templates/suggested tools
Final Interagency Rule on Automated Valuation Models
What should a Fair Lending Program Consist of?
- Risk Assessment
- Areas to Address
- Personnel Needs
- Monitoring Steps
- Auditing
- Training
Common audit and exam findings as explained by our partner, Shatswell MacLeod
What is to come . . .
Jennifer Cliber Smith, CRCM
MODERATORS: Jim Nemecek & Jennifer Cliber Smith of Compliance Anchor
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Compliance Officers and Compliance Staff, All Loan Officers, Lending Administration, Lending Operations, Loan Management, Loan Supervision, Auditing Department Personnel